


  • 公司名称西安百仪仪器仪表有限公司
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  • 更新时间2023/11/29 16:56:42
  • 访问次数65

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西安百仪仪器仪表有限公司(西安仪表一厂)是一家在仪表行业享有盛誉的老国有企业,主要生产销售:活塞式压力计,六氟化硫压力表,精密压力表,不锈钢压力表,隔膜压力表,普通压力表,双金属温度计,膜盒压力表,电接点压力表等上万种产品。以生产、销售压力仪表,温度仪表,液位仪表,流量仪表为主。几十年来以市场为导向,把竞争优势的赢取及客户满意度的提升作为目标,精益求精,不断超越,已成为全国同行业中品种多、规格全、规模大、技术力量雄厚的生产厂家之一,产品远销全国二十多个省、市、自治区,并出口俄罗斯、美国等国。 ★我们的优势 始终坚持“以人为本、质量立企、创新兴企、文化健企”的经营理念。2010年为止,公司共已成功申请注册了36项产品技术。 我们大力推行全面质量管理,对产品实现全过程质量控制,有效保证了产品质量,产品合格率稳步提升。可靠的产品品质,优秀的销售团队,快速响应的售后服务体系赢得了广大客户的信赖和好评,也为公司赢得了更加广阔的市场发展空间。 ★我们的信誉 的业内表现,使公司同时成为全国测压仪表标准委员单位、全国压力表行业协会副理事长单位、中国计量测试学会*单位。 ★我们的未来 公司在董事会下,内强素质、外塑形象、以质量求生存、以科技求发展、以服务求信誉、以管理求效益,继续发扬开拓、进取、拼搏、创新的精神,以市场为导向,以创新为动力,不断调整产品结构,创造新的经济增长点,持续增强企业综合实力,用优异的业绩,回报广大客户和社会各界对我们的厚爱!决心把企业创办成科技型现代企业。我们的未来就是与新老客户携手并进,紧密合作,共创辉煌! ★我们的产品:活塞压力计、精密标准压力表、数字压力表、不锈钢隔膜压力表、压力控制器等。 面对新的市场环境,为实现企业的可持续发展,近几年来企业不断地改革创新,内强职工素质,狠抓成本控制与质量提升;外塑企业形象,走品牌战略之路,提高企业的信誉度、美誉度。诚信经营,限度地满足客户需求。创建一支高素质的管理与科研队伍,紧握市场脉搏。我们重视科技,与国内院校、科研机构、世界厂家进行技术合作,使产品升级优化,我们在不断提升自己的核心竞争力!
Ashcroft雅斯科西北总代理 产品信息

Ashcroft Pressure Gauge雅斯科压力表

Ashcroft雅斯科压力表全系列包括: 流程压力表、 工业压力表、 通用压力表、 差压表和 卫生型压力表。Ashcroft 机械压力表,数显压力表和差压表-在工业测量监控应用行业,Ashcroft压力表的可靠性和耐用性是的。Ashcroft压力表产品可用于各种工业行业,产品类型完整,从1''至12''不等尺寸,压力范围可达100,000 psi之高。我们同时还获得例如PLUS!干式耐震技术,其功能与充液表相同,解决了高振动和脉动问题以及充液表所带来的问题,大大增加了PLUS!表的使用寿命。除此以外,我们还拥有PowerFlex悬挂机芯技术,减少了高振动过程中机芯磨损问题,对压力变化可以迅速做出反应。Ashcroft Pressure Gauge Ashcroft Digital Pressure Gauges Ashcroft Differential Pressure Gauges Commercial Pressure Gauges Ashcroft Process Gauge Ashcroft Sanitary Gauge Ashcroft Stainless Steel Gauges压力表。

* 拥有 157 年的生产历史
* 拥有多项技术
* 拥有长的使用寿命
* 压力范围从 250Pa 至 600MPa
* 精度 0.1%
* 工业压力表,符合 ASME B.40.1 标准
* 流程工业压力表,精度符合 Grade 2A
* 弹簧管压力表,精度符合 Grade A/Grade B/Grade 1A
* 波纹管微压压力表,精度符合 Grade A
* 适合流程工业和一般工业
* 用于压力和差压指示
* 压力可达700MPa
* 拥有多项技术
* Duratube焊接式弹簧管
* PLUS机芯阻尼
* PowerFlex悬挂机芯

Ashcroft 1005 Series Pressure Gauge

This series of pressure gauges are available in 1 1/2" to 3 1/2" dials. This gauge has a black steel case, polycarbonate window for easy visability and is perfect for compressors, filter regulators, pumps, beverage dispensing equipment, or similar applications.

Ashcroft 1001T Commercial Panel Gauge

This pressure gauge is available in 1 1/2" to 3 1/2" dial sizes. This gauge is perfect for panel mounting applications and has a very attractive design. It has a 1/4 turn polycarbonate window for better visability and removal if necessary. This gauge uses a U-Clamp design to mount to the panel. A front flange option is available for 2" and 2 1/2" dial sizes.

Ashcroft 1008A/AL Stainless Steel Case Gauge

The 1008A/AL series is available in 2 1/2" or 4" dial sizes. The internal materials are a brass and bronze tube design and has a stainless steel case. This gauge can be liquid filled or dry and is great in adverse environment conditions.

Ashcroft 3005 Commercial Hydraulic Gauge

This gauge is only available in 2 1/2" dial size. It has an ABS case and can be liquid filled or dry. This pressure gauge has superior performance in applications where vibration, pulsation, or mechanical shock and pressure spikes can happen.

Ashcroft 1009, 1010, 1017, & 1220 Hydraulic Gauges

This series is available in 4 1/2", 6", 8 1/2", and 12" dial sizes. Can come in stainless steel, aluminum, or phenolic cases. These gauges are supplied with a slotted link movement to avoid gear wear as well as throttle devices. 1,000psi to 20,000 psi ranges are available.

Ashcroft 2089 Digital Test Gauge

This digital gauge has an unmatched accuracy of +0.05% accuracy which makes it perfect for testing applications. It has a rugged portable design with 12 units of measure and 7 languages. It has a 5 digit LCD display for easy reading and has a % of reading bar graph scale.

Ashcroft D1005PS General Purpose Digital Gauge

The D0015PS offers 0.5% accuracy and has multiple units of measure for ease of use. The welded material is Stainless Steel which makes it suitable for multiple applications. It has a max pressure indicator, ranges from vacuum to 19,999 psi, and has a 2 1/2" dial.

Ashcroft 2074 and 2174 Industrial Digital Gauges

This is a multi-functional digital gauge with options like 4/20ma output or SPDT switches. This gauge comes in 3" dial or 4 1/2" process style dial and case. Ranges are available from 30"Hg Vac to 20,000 psi and can read in 10 different units of measure. +0.25% accuracy is standard along with a backlight, min/max peak hold and zero reset.


Ashcroft 1133 Differential Pressure Gauge

This gauge uses a large convoluted diaphragm actuator which allows it to sense low inches of water differentials while insuring no migration of media. The body materials can come in Aluminum, Brass and Stainless Steel with Buna, Viton, or EPDM Seals.

Ashcroft 1127/1128 Differential Pressure Gauge

This gauge comes in 4" dial or 6" dial sizes and ranges from 10 psi to 1,000 psi. 1127 model with 0 at the 7:00 position and the 1128 model has 0 at the 12:00 position. The 1127/1128 series comes with a back flange case for easy wall mounting and also has 316 SS wetted parts.

Ashcroft 1130 Differential Pressure Gauge

This piston actuator gauge can come in dial sizes 2" all the way to 6". This gauge is recommended for high differential and high static pressures up to 6,000 psi. The body materials can come in Aluminum, Brass and Stainless Steel with Buna, Viton, or EPDM Seals.


Ashcroft 1131 Differential Pressure Gauge

This differential gauge has a rolling diaphragm actuator and a stainless steel case. it can come in sizes 2 1/2" through 6". This gauge is great where migration of the process media is not permissible. The body materials can come in Aluminum, Brass and Stainless Steel with Buna, Viton, or EPDM Seals.

Ashcroft 1132 Differential Pressure Gauge

This differential gauge has a small convoluted diaphragm actuator and a stainless steel case. it can come in sizes 2 1/2" through 6". This gauge is great where migration of the process media is not permissible. It is recommended for lower differential and high static pressures. The body materials can come in Aluminum, Brass and Stainless Steel with Buna, Viton, or EPDM Seals.

Ashcroft 23DDG MiniGauge Pressure Gauge

The MiniGauge comes in a 23mm (.906") size dial and an ABS case with an acrylic window. The available ranges are 60psi to 300psi and it uses Direct Drive technology for excellent shock resistance. Because it uses a spiral tube to transmit motion directly to the pointer, no gear or movement parts are needed.


Ashcroft 1007P, XOR Refrigeration Pressure Gauge

This pressure gauge comes in 2 1/2" dial and offers 4 refrigeration scales (R12, R22, R502, 134A). The connection time is 1/8" npt and can come in blue or red casing.

Ashcroft 40DDG Pressure Gauge

The 40DDG series comes in a 1 1/2" dial or 2" dial and an ABS case with an acrylic window. The available ranges are 60psi to 400psi and it uses Direct Drive technology for excellent shock resistance. Because it uses a spiral tube to transmit motion directly to the pointer, no gear or movement parts are needed.

Ashcroft 1105M Refrigerant Ammonia Gauge

This pressure gauge is available in 2 1/2" or 3 1/2" dials, and can come in black painted steel or stainless clad aluminum casing. The available pressure ranges are 30inHg/150psi or 30inHg/300psi with equivalent ammonia temperature scales.

Ashcroft 1005P XUL Fire/Sprinkler Service Gauge

The Ashcroft sprinkler gauge comes in a 3 1/2" dial and a corrosion-resistant ABS Case. It has a heat-resistant polycarbonate push-in window and can come UL listed and Factory Mutual approved if desired.

Ashcroft 1279 Duragauge Series Process Gauge

Available in 4 1/2" dial and has a phenolic black case. Internal material options available are Brass/Bronze, 316 Stainless Steel and Steel Socket, All Stainless Steel, and K Monel. Has a micrometer adjustable pointer and is available in compound ranges, vacuum, and 15 to 30,000 psi.

Ashcroft 1377 Duragauge Series Process Gauge

The 1377 series is available in 4 1/2", 6", and 8 1/2" dial sizes and has a flush mounting aluminum case great for panel mounting. Internal material options available are Brass/Bronze, 316 Stainless Steel and Steel Socket, All Stainless Steel, and K Monel. Has a micrometer adjustable pointer and is available in compound ranges, vacuum, and 15 to 30,000 psi.

Ashcroft 1379 Duragauge Series Process Gauge

The 1379 series is available in 4 1/2", 6", and 8 1/2" dial sizes and has a rugged solid-front aluminum case that is weatherproof and hermetically sealed. Internal material options available are Brass/Bronze, 316 Stainless Steel and Steel Socket, All Stainless Steel, and K Monel. Has a micrometer adjustable pointer and is available in compound ranges, vacuum, and 15 to 100,000 psi.

Ashcroft 1032 Sanitary Gauge

This gauge can come in 2 1/2", 3 1/2", and 4 1/2" dial sizes and is specifically designed specifically to meet the needs of the sanitary market. It can come in dry or liquid filled. The 1032 series is all stainless steel and can come in 1 1/2" or 2" tri-clamp connections.

Ashcroft X1032 Xmitr Transmitter Sanitary Gauge

The X1032 Xmitr is a unique gauge to Ashcroft. This sanitary gauge gives an analog reading as well as a 4/20ma output. The dial size is 2 1/2" dial and can come in 1 1/2" or 2" tri-clamp connections. This instrument meets 3A sanitary standards and ranges compound to 1,000 psi.

Ashcroft 1036 and 1037 Sanitary Gauge

This gauge comes in 3 1/2" dial size and tube fittings of 1/2" through 2" tri-clamp. It is all-welded stainless steel and can be dry or liquid filled. This gauge is perfect for food industries and complies to 3A standards.

Ashcroft 1008/1008S Series Pressure Gauge

This series gauge is available in 1 1/2" dial to 4" dial. It has an all stainless steel construction and can come dry or liquid filled. These gauges are great where there are space limitations and process or atmospheric corrosion is present.



Ashcroft 1009 Series Duralife Pressure Gauge

This Grade 1A gauge is available in 2 1/2" or 3 1/2" dial. It has an all stainless steel design and can be converted to panel mounting if necessary. The Duralife gauge has a 5 year limited warranty and will give outstanding performance in the field.

Ashcroft 1109 Service Gauge

This is a very unique gauge to Ashcroft. It has a solid front case design with full blowout back and comes in a 4 1/2" dial size. The case and wetted materials are stainless steel (inconel 718 for high pressures) and is available at 15 psi all the way up to 100,000 psi.


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