

7125-047Rheodyne 7725i 手动进样阀 7125-047 转子密封圈

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  • 更新时间2021/8/25 10:08:26
  • 访问次数291

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上海屹利科学仪器有限公司致力于实验室分析仪器的研发、生产、销售和服务,代理销售国内外的分析仪器和相关配件、耗材,公司拥有一批专业的销售团队、技术支持人员及售后服务。 企业宗旨:“敬-诚-创新” 经营理念:“*,服务至上,以满足客户需求为己任” 企业文化:“梦想-责任-荣誉-成就” 主营产品种类: 1. 紫外、可见分光光度计、色谱仪、原子吸收分光光度计、 生化分析仪、 荧光光度计、火焰光度计等 2. 旋光仪、熔点仪、折射仪、光色度仪等 3. 电子天平、机械天平、粘度计、热分析仪、 红外(卤素)快速水份测定仪等 4. 酸度计、电导率仪、电位滴定仪、溶解氧分析仪、各种电极等 5. 毛细管色谱柱、液相色谱柱 6.液相色谱仪、气相色谱仪、自动进样器、顶空进样器、色谱工作站等 7.净化空气源、氢气发生器、氮气发生器、氮氢空一体机等 8. 旋转蒸发器、玻璃反应釜、循环水真空泵等 9.原子吸收分光光度计、原子荧光光谱仪、傅立叶红外光谱仪等 各种实验室分析生化仪器、设备... ...
简要描述: Rheodyne 7725i 手动进样阀 7125-047 转子密封圈Our PEEK Rotor Seals are a polymeric disc that ensures a high pressure seal against the stator. Manufactured from biocompatible PEEK it is inert to almos......
7125-047Rheodyne 7725i 手动进样阀 7125-047 转子密封圈 产品信息

Rhedyne 7725i 手动进样阀 7125-047 转子密封圈

The standard rtr seal in any Rhedyne® anual valves is ade fr a Vespel® blend. This plyiide has lw wear and high cheical resistance. Vespel tlerates a pH range f 0 t 10. Slutins re basic than pH 10 disslve Vespel which daages the rtr seal. If yu use any slutins abve pH 10, Rhedyne recends a PEEK blend rtr seal.
PEEK ffers a high cheical resistance and versatility, and will tlerate the entire pH range fr 0 t 14. ETFE blend rtr seals are apprpriate fr use in applicatins where PEEK is nt enerally acceptable, such as when ethylene chlride r DMSO in higher cncentratins is being used.

Rhedyne 7725i 手动进样阀 7125-047 转子密封圈

Part N.Fr Valve Mdel N.Descriptin
7000-0167000L, 7040LVespel Rtr Seal
7010-0397010, 7000, 7040Vespel Rtr Seal
7030-0037030, 9030Vespel Rtr Seal
7030-0147030LVespel Rtr Seal
7060-0707060, 7066Vespel Rtr Seal
7060-0647060LVespel Rtr Seal
7125-0477125,7725,9725Vespel Rtr Seal
7410-0387410Vespel Rtr Seal
7413-0137413Vespel Rtr Seal
8125-0388125Vespel Rtr Seal
7000-0177000L,7040LETFE Rtr Seal
7010-0717010, 7010-087, 7000, 7040ETFE Rtr Seal
7030-0157030, 9030ETFE Rtr Seal
7060-0747060, 7066, 9060ETFE Rtr Seal
7060-0677060LETFE Rtr Seal
7125-0797125, 7125-081, 7725ETFE Rtr Seal
7410-0757410ETFE Rtr Seal
8125-0978125ETFE Rtr Seal
9010-0519010ETFE Rtr Seal
9125-0829125,9725ETFE Rtr Seal
3030-0053030,3030-038PEEK Rtr Seal
3710-0083000, 3000-038, 3710, 3710-038PEEK Rtr Seal
3725-0183725, 3725-038PEEK Rtr Seal
9010-0657000, 7010, 9010PEEK Rtr Seal
8125-1198125PEEK Rtr Seal
9125-0957125, 7725, 9125, 9725PEEK Rtr Seal

Rhedyne 7725i 手动进样阀 7125-047 转子密封圈

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