


  • 公司名称温州利诺机械设备科技有限公司
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  • 更新时间2021/9/28 12:07:17
  • 访问次数270

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温州利诺机械科技有限公司座落在浙江温州,公司专注于各类瓶子类容器的灌装、旋盖生产等设备。企业致力于灌装机、旋盖机、贴标机、气雾剂灌装机、液体粉末灌装机、香水一体机等非标产品的机械设备研发、制造。自2008年创立至今,已经发展成为集科研开发、制造销售、技术改造(咨询)为一体的综合性企业。公司自2008年成立以来,始终致力于容器类产品的洗瓶机、灌装机、旋盖机、贴标机、收缩机、乳化机及包装生产线等机械设备的研发、制造。  公司致力于包装机械的研制和开发,不断地消化和吸收科学技术和工艺,以满足不断增长的市场需要,成为国内外包装机械行。  公司前身关联企业“温州利诺进出口有限公司、温州利诺包装机械设备有限公司”等,本着“诚信经营,顾客至上”的经营理念,通过贸易纽带紧密联结国内与国际市场,且与国内外多家公司建立了良好的合作关系。  在激烈的市场竞争中,开拓务实的利诺人将以优秀的产品、实惠的价格、完善的服务与您共享成功的喜悦!
Main Specification
DCS-3B+JW600立式粉末包装机 产品信息
DCS-3B + JW600 Vertical Form Filling Seal Machine
Main Specification

Packaging Speed

25-60 bags/min

Bagging size

W 100-250mm
L 100-350mm

Packaging Accuracy

Filling weight < 100g, with an error<2%
100 ~ 500g,with an error<1%
>500g,with an error>0.5%

Power Supply

3P / 220V ~ 415V

Total Power


Air(Powder Requirkement) Pressure

6kg/cm2 250ML

Net Weight

900 kg



Hopper Volume


Descriptive abstract:
The product can be used in, powdery and granulated material. like milk powder, Albumen powder ,solid drink, white sugar, dextrose, coffee powder, fodder, pharmaceuticals, agriculture pesticide, granular additive, dyestuff, and so on.

The machine can make the package of pillow or Vertical type and handling package.
The packaging machines of JW series already contain more than ten years production history. Machine construction tightly packed, electric and pneumatic components all adopt the famous factory product of all countries, to sure the long-term work stability of machine.
The touch-sensitive screen can display each machine state, operation instruction,the state of breakdown and so on.
Adopted the Programmable Controller that made in Japan and up to 100 sets of working configurations can be stored in the machine. Engineer can control and adjust customers' machine in the long range.
The machine is provided with well-versed AC servo motor technology on the film feed draw belt, resulting in creating smooth operation and higher speed.
On-line adjustments of sealing position, cutting position as well as effects can be easily made on the touch-sensitive screen.
The automatic temperature controller is used to maintain the working temperature within a deviation of sealing degree centigrade. In addition, a tooth-shaped sealing device is used to ensure the firm sealing.
Having the alarming equipment, such as clipping the material, door unclosed, no film and so on.
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