

英国BURKARD Monks Wood light trap

  • 公司名称广州市赛拓仪器科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       号Monks Wood light trap
  • 所  在  地广州市
  • 厂商性质其他
  • 更新时间2023/12/18 11:16:31
  • 访问次数127

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广州市赛拓仪器科技有限公司成立于2005年,是一家仪器及工控配件、实验室耗材等的集成供应商,拥有超过14年的进口仪器及工业品采购、销售经验。能够为广大中国客户提供进口产品的技术咨询,选型,订购,运输,售后等服务。我们提供的不只是价格优势,还能为您解决售前,订购,售后等全过程专业服务。 我们代理的品牌有:美国Cole-Parmer(华南区代理)、美国OMEGA、英国Burkard、法国ALLA FRANCE,法国圣戈班,美国Nasco,Horiba,ISMATEC,Digi-Sense,Oakton等。本司还经销Nalgene、Barnstead、ALNOR、Labconco、OAKTON、Corning、PYREX、LaMotte等进口厂家的各种仪器设备及耗材。 我们提供仪器查找代购业务,灵活的操作方式为您提供的服务。只要您一个电话,一封邮件,告诉我们您的需求,我们将一次性的为您提供合适的解决方案。 赛拓仪器,服务科技,开拓创新,锐意进取。做一个专业化的进口仪器及工业品平台是我们的目标。本公司所销售的所有货物均为原厂原装,可提供进口报关单等相关资料。
英国BURKARD Monks Wood light trap
英国BURKARD Monks Wood light trap 产品信息

英国BURKARD Monks Wood light trap

Product Description

The trap was originally developed to sample medically important insects such as mosquitoes, midges, sand-flies and black-flies. However, it has proved useful in catching agricultural pests and a wide variety of other small insects. An aluminium cover is fitted to help exclude rain, but this can be removed when it is used indoors. An easily removable wire mesh screen can be mounted underneath the light source to exclude the larger insects.

The trap operates from a standard 12 v car battery. A choice of fluorescent light tubes are available, e.g. warm white, daylight or UV light, which operate through a transistor ballast encased in a stout metal case. A small motor underneath the light draws the catch down into a detachable cloth collecting bag, which has a large slit-like opening to give free access for emptying the trap. The introduction of a wad of wet cotton-wool, covered with blotting paper, at the bottom of the bag helps maintain the catch alive.

The trap can either be operated manually or through a photoelectric light cell mounted on the top of the ballast box. This automatically switches the trap on at dusk and off at dawn. When working through the light cell, a small wire mesh cone can be placed in the neck of the collecting bag to prevent the catch escaping when the trap is automatically switched off.

Both the light tube and motor are easily removed for replacement or servicing. The trap can be readily dismantled for packing.

Additional information


23 cm, 6 watt (0.87 A) fluorescent light tube


3.4 v d.c. (0.37 A)

Nett weight

Approx 2.5 kg


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