

湖南手动轧盖钳-Hunan manual rolling cover clamp

  • 公司名称长沙宏鸣制药机械设备有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       号手动系列轧盖机(Manual Series capping machine)
  • 所  在  地长沙市
  • 厂商性质生产厂家
  • 更新时间2016/9/6 11:29:18
  • 访问次数6917
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湖南手动轧盖钳-Hunan manual rolling cover clamp 产品信息


轧盖口径: 8、13.8、15.6、15.9、17.5、20.7、22、31.2、33mm  
外型尺寸: 195×80×50mm 
重    量: 0.5-0.7kg



Manual capping machine is mainly applicable specifications:

8 Department of Ophthalmology injection aluminum cover

Type 11, type 11A aluminum cover, aluminum cover

Type 13 2 ml bottles aluminum cover, 2 13A, 5 ml bottle cap

15A ( oral liquid type A ), type 15 ( oral liquid C type pop-top )

The 20 type of penicillin bottle aluminum cover, 20A type 7, 10, 20, 30 ml penicillin bottle cap

In 28, 28A ( T shaped rubber plug ) 50, 100, 250, 500 ml of large infusion bottles aluminum cover, aluminum cover

In 30, 30A ( flip rubber plug ) 100, 250, 500 ml of large infusion bottles aluminum cover, aluminum cover

32A ( T shaped rubber plug ) large infusion bottles aluminum cover, aluminum cover

And the special requirements of custom processing, such as perfume bottle, spray bottle

Manual capping machine main technical parameters:

Type 8, type 13, type 15, type 13A, type 15A, type 20, type 20A, type 28A, type 28B.

Cover rolling diameter: 8, 13.8, 15.6, 15.9, 17.5, 20.7, 22, 31.2, 33mm

Dimensions: 195 x 80 x 50mm

Weight: 0.5-0.7kg

Manual capping machine using the method:

In 1, according to the pop-top or aluminum cover, into the rolling head, upper and lower press gently pressure to handle, rolling head tightening so far, (without excessive force ) the handle is loosened, i.e. to restore the original position. With three fingers loose check cap can be.

2, such that the first capping is not tight or not smooth, you can adjust the rolling head, a clockwise rotation for the loose, tighten the tight counterclockwise.

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