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  • 公司名称上海前泽阀门有限公司
  • 品       牌
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  • 所  在  地上海市
  • 厂商性质代理商
  • 更新时间2018/5/15 16:05:14
  • 访问次数5234


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The German FRING valve is of the Asian and Pacific area fluid control domain one of main production and suppliers, the Base company is located at Frankfurt, the company devotes to the scientific research development fluid control valve, the production fluid control device system, has the production valve base in many countries. The company product s user involves the petroleum, the chemical industry, the electric power, the metallurgy, the drugs manufacture, food, the water treatment, the municipal administration to give draining water, the natural gas, the papermaking, the electronics industry, the building, the mechanical device necessary and so on domains.
The German FRING valve main product includes: Electrically operated valve, air operated valve, high temperature high pressure valve, ball valve, gate valve, reed valve, cut-off valve, check valve, regulating valve, solenoid valve, safety valve, needle valve, condensate trap |、 The draining valve, the stopcock, the diaphragm valve, the duck mouth valve, puts the material valve, the discharge valve, the respiration valve, the filter, the fire barrier, the throttle valve, the angle place valve, the by-pass valve, the wash water valve, the mud valve, the trip valve, the pressure relief valve, the tube to clamp the valve, the plunger valve, the bottom valve, to regard the mirror, the flange, the water power control valve, and so on serial productses.

您现在的位置:上海前泽阀门有限公司,球阀,蝶阀,闸阀,截止阀,进口阀门 - 产品展示 - 德国福林进口阀门(FRING)

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进口切断阀 产品信息


  • 进口切断阀概述

    切断阀是自动化系统中执行机构的一种,由多弹簧气动薄膜执行机构或浮动式活塞执行机构与调节阀组成,接收调节仪表的信号,控制工艺管道内流体的切断、接通或切换。具有结构简单,反应灵敏,动作可靠等特点。 可广泛地应用在石油、化工、冶金等工业生产部门。气动切断阀的气源要求经过滤的压缩空气,流经阀体内的介质应该是无杂质和无颗粒的液体和气体。根据允许压差情况、介质特点以及工艺管道要求,可选用单座、套筒、三通切断阀。
    1、与可燃气体泄漏监测仪器联接,当仪器检测到可燃气体泄漏时,自动快速关闭主供气阀门,切断燃气的供给,及时制止恶性事故的 发生。 2、与热力设备的极限温度(压力)安全控制器联接,当设备内检测点的温度(压力)超过设定的极限数值时,自动快速关闭供气阀门,停止燃料的供给。


The German FRING valve is of the Asian and Pacific area fluid control domain one of main production and suppliers, the Base company is located at Frankfurt, the company devotes to the scientific research development fluid control valve, the production fluid control device system, has the production valve base in many countries. The company product s user involves the petroleum, the chemical industry, the electric power, the metallurgy, the drugs manufacture, food, the water treatment, the municipal administration to give draining water, the natural gas, the papermaking, the electronics industry, the building, the mechanical device necessary and so on domains.
The German FRING valve main product includes: Electrically operated valve, air operated valve, high temperature high pressure valve, ball valve, gate valve, reed valve, cut-off valve, check valve, regulating valve, solenoid valve, safety valve, needle valve, condensate trap |、 The draining valve, the stopcock, the diaphragm valve, the duck mouth valve, puts the material valve, the discharge valve, the respiration valve, the filter, the fire barrier, the throttle valve, the angle place valve, the by-pass valve, the wash water valve, the mud valve, the trip valve, the pressure relief valve, the tube to clamp the valve, the plunger valve, the bottom valve, to regard the mirror, the flange, the water power control valve, and so on serial productses.
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