

韩国KFM Rotary Blower罗茨真空泵

  • 公司名称上海竞舸实业有限公司
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  • 更新时间2021/3/30 11:19:57
  • 访问次数729

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上海竞舸实业有限公司座落于上海市闵行区漕河泾*开发区,是一家以经营*产品为主,集设计、生产、销售、技术服务为一体的综合性公司。公司以经营生产带式压滤脱水机设备为主,致力于环保设备的研发、生产、销售和服务。我公司还是韩国流体机械有限公司和日本阪和化工机株式会社中国大陆地区的特约代理商,负责韩国KFM Rotary Blower、KFM Turbo Blower(即空气悬浮离心鼓风机)和日本HANWA阪和搅拌机在中国地区的开拓业务,力求为业界提的设备和技术服务。 公司自成立以来,与上海同济大学、上海市政工程研究院等进行合作,对产品不断进行技术改进和技术创新,目前拥有七大系列50余个型号产品。公司拥有数控折弯机、液压剪板机、车床、钻铣床、钻攻丝机、交直流焊机、等离子切割机、氩弧焊机、电动切割机、喷漆房等生产设备和完善的检测手段。公司贯彻“质量,用户*;人无我有,人有我精”的质量方针,为广大用户提供质量的脱水设备。  企业经营理念:      以质量求生存,以服务求发展!      以诚实求信誉,以创新铸品牌! 公司全体员工感谢社会各界的关怀,诚挚欢迎业界人士前来洽谈指导! Shanghai KIN-GO Industrial Co., Ltd. is located in Minhang District, Shanghai Caohejing Hi-tech Development Zone, is a technology company with "technology is herald ,production is main, trade is basic" .The company is mainly engaged in production of belt press dewatering equipment, is committed to research, production, sales and service of environmental protection equipments, My company is the special agent of Korea Fuild Machinary Co.,Ltd in china. and are responsible for pioneering KFM roots Blower and KFM turbo blower in china.we are striving to provide the best quality environmental protection equipments. Since its inception, we cooperate with Shanghai Tongji University, Shanghai Municipal Engineering Research Institute, ongoing technological improvements and technological innovation of products, and currently has seven series of more than 50 models. The company has CNC bending machine, CNC cutting machine, lathe, drilling and milling, drilling and tapping machine, AC and DC welding machine, plasma cutting machine, welding machine, electric cutting machine, painting room and other production equipments, and have perfect testing means . Company implement the quality policy of “quality first, customers first; I have them when others don't. I have better ones when others have them" , to provide the best quality of dewatering equipment for users. Business philosophy: Quality for survival, Service for development! Honesty for credibility, Innovation for brand! All employees of the company thanks to the care of the community, we sincerely welcome domestic and abroad guests to cooperate with us,and thinks for the help of social commumity.
韩国KFM Rotary Blower罗茨真空泵 产品信息

KOREA FLUID MACHINERY CO.,LTD成立于1976年,注册资金4亿韩元,位于韩国庆南梁山市,是韩国独立开发鼓风机的生产厂。会社创立以来,专注于各类鼓风机(包括:KFM Rotary BlowerKFM Turbo Blower)的研发和生产。





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